- We believe the best way to rid our tribe of its current and past corruption is a new constitution.
- We believe in better communication such as the videotaping and public airing of board meetings, postings of resolutions and minutes of the tribal board and committees accessible to all tribal members
- We believe in the protection of the elder fund.
The guide is created by myself, Nathan Wright. I am not running for nor am I on the Sault Tribe Board. I have previously worked for Corporate America for almost 10 years and at the Sault Tribe for 5 years. I am a former U.S. Marine and a naturalist. I have ran in two Sault Tribe elections and lost the 2008 elections by five votes. I currently work for another Michigan tribe and run my own business. I am a family man who eats organic food and I use our natural Native American medicines as much as possible in our attempt to live healthy like our ancestors who were ahead of their time. I speak from the heart. I am doing this because I care about our tribe.