Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vote Malloy for Sault Tribe Unit 1 Representative

Reprinted from Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy's flyer:

Aaniin! My name is Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy and I am asking for your vote for Unit 1 Board of Directors. It is time for the citizens of this tribe to take back the reins from the current leadership and steer in a new direction. For too long we have been mere passengers in our own government. It’s time to chart our own course and elect a leader who will find a way to navigate a path in the interest of all tribal citizens. With your support, I will be that leader.

I believe my experience has specifically prepared me to serve as your Unit 1 Representative. As you know, the tribal board position requires a diverse work experience and not just an education. We, as tribal members are as diverse as our experiences and backgrounds. An effective leader needs a wide scope from which to draw on to legislate, advocate, visualize and achieve goals.

As a deputy township supervisor I gained a wealth of experience in governance, public budgeting, policy development, grant writing, community input for strategic planning and dealing with voting constituencies.

As your membership liaison, I developed a comprehensive understanding of tribal programs and services, policies, and most importantly – tribal membership needs. I assisted fellow tribal members nationwide by resolving problems and dealing with a wide range of issues.

My membership on the Anishinabek Joint Commission has provided me with the unique opportunity to work with four US/Canadian border tribes as well as the US, Canada, and Great Lakes States/Provinces in a concerted to preserve the St. Mary’s River, preserve our Treaty Rights as North American Indians, and work at resolving cross border issues.

Please Vote! By now, the ballots have been mailed and should be in your hands. Please take the time to vote and return your ballot as soon as possible to make sure your voice is counted in this election.

Vote for restoring the Elder Fund, for Board Member Term Limits and Reduced Board Pay. Vote for Education and Communication.

Use your vote to make sure your voice is heard at the board table. Please Vote Malloy for Unit 1 Representative.

For questions or more information, please contact me djmalloy@centurytel.net or www.votemalloy.blogspot.com

Click here to download Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy complete flyer

Click here to download Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy Bio

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