Malloy is our #1 pick for Unit
1 because of the following reasons:
McKelvie as our #2 for Unit 1 because of the following reasons:
Pine, we do not support because of the following reasons:
For these reasons and more, The Sault Tribe guide cannot support Deb Pine.
We cannot support Hoffman and Pine knowing what the future may bring based on both of their past opinions on issues we are very much against. We would rather stand on the right side of history, rather than do what may be popular for some.
Regardless of who wins we hope everyone can understand and respect why we cannot support certain candidates at this time. After running two elections myself I know the struggles candidates go through and I commend all of candidates for sacrificing their own personal time and money to run for the board. It is not an easy task.
- She supports Separation of Powers, Restoration of Funds, programs and services, Employee Rights, and full recovery of the 7+2 litigation.
- Has innovative ideas for Economic Diversification.
- Believes the direction our government should be driven by the voice, needs and best interest of the membership.
- She has a specific and proven experience assisting the membership with needs, programs, and services.
- She believes in accountability and the rights of the membership to have Representation.
McKelvie as our #2 for Unit 1 because of the following reasons:
- He is a Veteran and still holds those ethics close.
- He recently stated he agrees with separation of Powers.
- Mckelvie is against dropping Bernard's case.
- In the last several years, Denny has always returned my phone calls. Hoffman has not.
- Denny always tells you how it is, Whether you agree with him or not.
- He deceived the membership in recent campaign ads. Specifically he mentions the Rosetta Stone as if it was an accomplishment. The fact is this language software program went nowhere. So why did Hoffman make you think it was an accomplishment in his campaign ad? What most members do not know is D.J. Hoffman tells you what you want to hear, but then does what benefits him personally.
- He does not always return phone calls unless it's during campaign season.
- He tends to threaten people outside of the public eye when the validity of his actions are challenged.
- His ongoing personal financial problems outline in the classified ad section of the Soo Evening News at least 6 times during his tenure as a board member. How can we expect someone with this many personal financial problems to help our tribes financial problems?
- Hoffman lacks the maturity to be a good leader (read 1, 2, 3 & 4).
- Because of his immaturity, he does not have many allies on the board (one of his few allies Cathy Abramson (Hoffman's Aunt) who is making calls for him) and therefore will have difficulty passing effective resolutions.
Pine, we do not support because of the following reasons:
- She is the daughter of Jolene Netoli, one of the 7+2 litigates. This is a conflict of interest in my book as is an Aunt and a Nephew on the same board (Hoffman and Abramson).
- She is closely related to Bernard Boushor.
- In public statements Deb has made it very clear she views Bernard as someone who has helped out the tribe and we should be thankful for him. We believe Bernard is responsible for the loss of Greektown, the evergreen contracts, 7+2 illegal use of funds and more and find it difficult to believe why anyone would support this obviously illegal behavior.
- Deb and others have received preferential treatment. In July of 2009 the Sault Tribe allowed her and closely related members of her family to post an article and a “Petition to Save Greektown” on the front page of the Sault Tribe website, where it remained for months. This information also appeared in a Greektown Special Section Tribal newspaper July 14, 2009 on page 3B). A shorter version of this article can be seen here:
For these reasons and more, The Sault Tribe guide cannot support Deb Pine.
We cannot support Hoffman and Pine knowing what the future may bring based on both of their past opinions on issues we are very much against. We would rather stand on the right side of history, rather than do what may be popular for some.
Regardless of who wins we hope everyone can understand and respect why we cannot support certain candidates at this time. After running two elections myself I know the struggles candidates go through and I commend all of candidates for sacrificing their own personal time and money to run for the board. It is not an easy task.
In the future perhaps during another election cycle our opinions and choices may change. But this is what they are for now. We stand by our goal of improving the constitution.
I am glad you do support Denny, as I think he has the potential to continue to grow as a very good Board member. DJ never will. He is all about how to make a good impression on the outside and there is very little of substance on the inside. He lacks maturity and has had no real world experience. He is a product of the core family bennies of the tribe.
ReplyDeleteYes, during the primaries STG suggested to members not to vote for incumbents. But now we are in the general election and some of those we were supporting did not make it.
ReplyDeleteWe here at STG feel asking someone to vote for some who supports Bernard, in the general would be irresponsible. So we have to pick who believe will help us pass a new constitution or separation of powers. While all current Unit 1 Candidates have stated to us they would. We chose Denny because he has been the most consistent in returning ours and tribal member calls and publicly stated he would support separation of powers on his general election postcard.
We believe it makes no sense to just choose one candidate then have someone you don't want in, actually get in. I know from personal experience as to what can happen when you only vote for one person when two slots are available as they are in Unit 1. At the 2008 election recount two candidates had approximately 200 of their constituents only vote for them. I lost by 5 votes, Bernard won. Imagine what would of happened if some of those 200 votes vote for two people, one being myself? I would have won and Bernard would not have been elected.
Take it from experience, it is better to vote for two people rather than just one to ensure the people you want in, actually get in.
Even if those two hundred people had voted for one more, there is nothing to say that they would have voted for you.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing to say that they would not have voted for me either. Voting for one person is not good.