Monday, April 12, 2010

Recent Referendum Only Throws a Bone To The Tribal Membership

You cannot put a band aid on a gaping wound. And that’s all the recent referendum was about. Politically it looks good, but it does not solve the real problem. It took a small piece of the 2008 proposed constitution and threw it to the membership. I believe the recent separation of powers referendum was politically motivated by an incumbent. And what is more interesting is it occurred right before an election season. It was not intended to truly make things less political. If that was the case then we would need to start by separating the judicial system, which is a more bolder step. The board of directors still has power over whoever they hire. And the current Executive Director who essentially has the same power as a Governmental CEO bows down to the board often. Would you argue with your boss and face being fired? How does that take out the politics? If anything it gives the board more power, thus more politics.

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