Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tribal Chairman Executive Assistant let go after 15 years of service for Sault Tribe

Updates to this article appear at the bottom.

We hear the Administrative Assistant (Sault Tribe Member) for the Tribal Chairman was let go last Friday for reasons unknown at this time. There is speculation that it was done in the wake of the separation of the Chairman and CEO duties via the Secretarial Referendum. However it makes us wonder why the Chairman would be denied such support. Has the board truly reduced the Chairman’s position to nothing more than a figurehead at the board table and thereby justify that he doesn’t need support staff?
There is also speculation that this was a move to pave the way for the board to hire one of the existing Co-Executive Director’s for the CEO position (each already has an Administrative Assistant).
We believe the new CEO position needs to be posted throughout Indian Country where our tribe would stand to draw the brightest candidates for interviews. We should not hire someone already working for the tribe in any capacity as anyone currently seated in a position of authority is already deeply rooted in political and personal connections.

After all, how can we expect to correct the mistakes made by the current administration unless we hire someone from outside that inner circle. It has been the Co-Executive Director’s collaborated advice and counsel to the board that has steered us to where we are today. To place one of them in the CEO position would support many members’ suspicion that our tribal board is not looking out for our best interest.

Tribal members should demand that the CEO position be filled after an honest national search for the very best candidates with the right qualifications, experience and fresh perspective to steer us into a more prosperous future. We also believe the hiring of the CEO position should occur after the newly elected board is seated, not before.

Update #1: According to a Sault Tribe Council member, the decision to fire was made by the Chairman himself.

Update #2: I asked the same board member these questions:

1.  Are you guys going to wait until after the elections to hire a CEO?

2.  Any plans to hire a current co-executive director as CEO?

The response from the council member was: We are having a workshop next week to discuss topic.

Update #3 Apparently an e-mail was sent out by the Chairman stating this was "administrative leave" and may not be permanent.


  1. Michael Marshall, Rockford, MIApril 29, 2010 at 5:51 AM

    Thanks for the update, as an out-state tribal member, I don't get to hear much of the inner workings of the Tribe.

    It sounds like, as an outcome of the Secretarial Election, that we will be hiring a new CEO to run the business end of the tribe. I, too, feel that the hiring decision should not be made by the current tribal board prior to the board elections.

    To hire someone to fill such an important position for our tribe, is not something to be taken lightly. Especially, if the decision is made by a potentially "lame duck" board. That is a recipe for disaster and further discourse in the tribe at a time that we do not need it.

  2. who are the co- executive directors ? Yes I agree that the new CEO should be someone outside the Tribe. However that will not prevent the BOD from interfering. The current BOD believe that they can intrude on any area. Perhaps they have the authority to do so. However, they lack the knowledge, skills and abilities to run a major corporation or governmental entity. They need to keep their hands off because every time they intrude they create more problems. They are so stupid that they do not even realize how little ability they have. They will never let anyone new come in and have a free hand. Too bad for our Tribe.

  3. I do not know this person who was let go ,But I support the fact that all the board members who have served more than two times shouldbe replaced with new people and new Ideas. It's just like where you work the longer that person is in charge of your department the same it's going to stay.

    I also feel that since there are more members living outside the five units that complete the tribes area , We the other say 30,000 or more should have a say so. I have been a member for over 25 years and have benefited zero,zilch,Nada and yet the tribe get's money from the goverment based on head count,Well I have over 20 family members which are also tribe members that get the same NOTHING! . Why is this ?

    I live in california where the Band of the Pombo Ranchiera Indian tribe is located and they too have a casino. Now mind you they are a smaller tribe but they do put there money to work and the people get regular payments,on average monthly they each get around $6000.00 . Not too bad for once were a poor union. I know the Soo tribe get's money also and since a lot will never live in Michigan again I think you need to send our money to us so we can pay for our medical and property that needs up keep.

    I feel the board is using my money to keep them Fat in new cars ,nice houses . This money belongs to us and we should be the ones who decides where we want to spend it. Oh here's a thought,maybe the board should ask us where it should go. Maybe voting on the Idea would be the way to go ?

    Well I've spoke my mine,The rest has to come from the People for the People" Much Luck People.

  4. I called the tribe on Thursday and they said she no longer works there? Must be politics.
