Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

-Nelson Mandela

Friday, August 6, 2010

Council woman, Deb Pine Lies To The Membership In First Unit Report

Pine's comments are an abuse of power, a display of poor judgement and lack integrity.

In Council woman Deb Pine’s Unit Report on page 24 of the August issue of Win Awenen Nisitotung (Sault Tribe Newspaper) she states, "I would like to thank the following for their unconditional love and support in that good anishinabe way." She then lists several people including myself who did not support her. I would like the Sault Tribe membership to know I did not support Deb Pine. This is an outright lie and should be a testament to her character. If she is willing to lie to you about this, then what else will she lie to us about? I feel justified in calling it a lie because if it were only meant to be sarcastic, it was lost on 99.9% of membership; so what’s the point?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Three of Sault Tribe Guide Choices Win!

Anyone who thinks we didn't have any effect on the 2010 Sault Tribe Elections is wrong.  Together we chose a group of leaders who we believe will help our Tribe.  Three of Sault Tribe Guide Choices won the general election.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Investors counter Stupak

“The land was never placed in trust,” says spokesman Chris DeWitt speaking on behalf of a group of investors countering the claim of Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) and the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians over a .76 acre parcel in the City of Detroit where the Greektown Casino now stands.

Click here to read more from the Soo Evening News.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Unit 1 General Candidates Review

Unit 1, please Vote for Malloy, our second choice is McKelvie

Malloy is our #1 pick  for Unit 1 because of the following reasons:

  1. She supports Separation of Powers, Restoration of Funds, programs and services, Employee Rights, and full recovery of the 7+2 litigation.
  2. Has innovative ideas for Economic Diversification.
  3. Believes the direction our government should be driven by the voice, needs and best interest of the membership.
  4. She has a specific and proven experience assisting the membership with needs, programs, and services.
  5. She believes in accountability and the rights of the membership to have Representation.

McKelvie as our #2 for
Unit 1 because of the following reasons:

Sault Tribe Guide Condemns Recent "Don't Re-Elect Anyone" Mailer

We condemn the recent postcard mailed to some tribal members households entitled "Don't Re-Elect Anyone." This was a cowardly action and those involved must be held accountable. We hope the Election Committee and the Sault Tribe Prosecutor do an investigation and rid us of this type of anonymous attacks.  If the Sault Tribe board wants the Saul Tribe membership to trust them, then they must act to correct this.  Doing nothing only gives the impression to tribal members the current board supports this postcard.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More lawsuits filed against the Sault Tribe

This election, members must vote responsibly

Sault Tribe members should be outraged with current Sault Tribe board members for the recent Greektown law suits filed. As you know as part of the bankruptcy, we get nothing from Greektown not even protection!

The current Sault Tribe board is responsible for getting us into this mess.  The tribe has many large hurdles to over come before we can even begin to repair the damage.  The following  PDF legal documents have been filed.  Both name the Sault Tribe:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Unofficial Sault Tribe Primary Election Results

The Sault Tribe Guides Unofficial Primary Election Results.  I am happy to say the Sault Tribe Guide had winning candidate picks in every unit!

* denotes made it into the general election
STG = Sault Tribe Guide endorsed for the general election

Unit 1
  • Debra-Ann Pine 1082 *
  • DJ Hoffman 956 *
  • Diedrie J. Malloy 889 * STG
  • Dennis McKelvie 774 *
  • Wayne Goetz 728
  • Barbara Smutek 454
Note: We will support another candidate in unit 1 if they are willing to pass a Constitution and state this publicly

Unit 2 

Catherine Tolan-Hollowell 230 * STG
James Kelley 203 *
William Baker 137
Lisa Burnside 133
Duncan MacArthur 80
Margaret Rounds 59

Unit 3 
Keith Massaway 765 *
Douglas Goudreau 332 * STG
Wayne Pemble 218

Unit 4
Denise Chase

Unit 5 
Shirley Petosky 152  *
Joan Carr-Anderson 127 * STG
Boyd Synder 126
Charles Matson 99

* denotes made it into the general election
STG = Sault Tribe Guide endorsed for the general election

Congratulations to all of the candidates who ran!  

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Sault Tribe News Online (with Candidate Bios)

Click here and choose the May 2010 issue, in it you will find Candidate Bios and ads.

New Constitution = Better Future For Our Tribe

Last week I asked current Unit 1 Board member DJ Hoffman via text message what he did not like about the new constitution. Hoffman did not respond. This is typical for a lot of us tribal members. We ask questions, no one answers. Well I am fed up, and I hope you are to. Therefore I am only supporting candidates who will support passing the new constitution. Hoffman is obviously not one of them.

Remember, the only way things will improve within the Sault Tribe is if we pass a new constitution. If almost 77% of you voted to separate the CEO and Chairman position, then I believe the same people will support a new constitution which will truly take the politics out of our tribe. Read the new (Proposed) constitution by clicking here:

All your board members need to do is vote yes to approve it so it is sent to a referendum just like the Separation of CEO/Chairman.

These are the Sault Tribe Board Candidates I have confirmed who will support voting on a new constitution:

Unit 1 — Wayne Goetz, Dierdrie J. Malloy and Barbara Smutek
Unit 2 — Catherine Tolan-Hollowell
Unit 3 — Douglas Goudreau
Unit 4 — unchallenged
Unit 5 — Joan Carr-Anderson, Boyd Synder

Do Not Vote for Incumbents For Any Reason

Remember do not vote for incumbents. If you want change it’s not going to happen with anyone who is currently a board member running for re election. Please read more reasons here DO NOT VOTE:

Unit 1 — DO NOT VOTE: DJ Hoffman, Dennis McKelvie
Unit 2 — (board member retired)
Unit 3 — DO NOT VOTE: Keith Massaway
Unit 4 — Unchallenged
Unit 5 — DO NOT VOTE: Shirley Petosky

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vote Malloy for Sault Tribe Unit 1 Representative

Reprinted from Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy's flyer:

Aaniin! My name is Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy and I am asking for your vote for Unit 1 Board of Directors. It is time for the citizens of this tribe to take back the reins from the current leadership and steer in a new direction. For too long we have been mere passengers in our own government. It’s time to chart our own course and elect a leader who will find a way to navigate a path in the interest of all tribal citizens. With your support, I will be that leader.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meet Unit 1 Candidate Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy in Kinross May 3rd

Coffee Hour Meet and Greet at the Kinross Rec Center on Monday, May 3rd from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The purpose is to offer a free form discussion to allow people in the Kincheloe area an opportunity to meet me, ask questions and discuss their thoughts, concerns and ideas regarding our tribe. There will be free coffee and home made cookies available. By the way these are regular Rec Center hours of operation. So, if you need to bring your children, they will have plenty of fun things to do while you take part in the meeting. Plans are being made to have this same forum in other communites and more information will be provided as the dates and times are set. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! - Diedrie (D.J.) Malloy

Tribal Chairman Executive Assistant let go after 15 years of service for Sault Tribe

Updates to this article appear at the bottom.

We hear the Administrative Assistant (Sault Tribe Member) for the Tribal Chairman was let go last Friday for reasons unknown at this time. There is speculation that it was done in the wake of the separation of the Chairman and CEO duties via the Secretarial Referendum. However it makes us wonder why the Chairman would be denied such support. Has the board truly reduced the Chairman’s position to nothing more than a figurehead at the board table and thereby justify that he doesn’t need support staff?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Official Candidate List

The Sault Tribe election committee has released the official candidate list for this year’s tribal board election.
The directors to be elected are as follows:
  • Unit 1 - two members
  • Unit 2 - one member
  • Unit 3 - one member
  • Unit 4 - one member
  • Unit 5 - one member

Monday, April 19, 2010

An Opportunity To Resolve The Charlotte Beach Land Claim

Two groups -- Michigan Is Yours and Racing to Save Michigan -- are seeking to place initiatives on the November ballot that would allow up to 15 new casinos in the state. Michigan's gambling revenue is the fifth highest in the nation. An obvious threat to the current 23 casinos in Michigan, what is the Sault Tribe doing to resolve the Charlotte Beach Land swap for Romulus?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sault Tribe Guide Supports Malloy For Unit 1

Who we support this election season:

Malloy. She is a voice of the people. She shares some of the same opinions I have outlined above. Please support Malloy. She gives us hope. Please visit Malloy's facebook website by clicking here.
I see other candidates who are running whom I am waiting to hear from and read their platform. I will give them my support if I feel they will push fourth most of the items posted in this e-mail. I wish them all the best of luck.

Recent Referendum Only Throws a Bone To The Tribal Membership

You cannot put a band aid on a gaping wound. And that’s all the recent referendum was about. Politically it looks good, but it does not solve the real problem. It took a small piece of the 2008 proposed constitution and threw it to the membership. I believe the recent separation of powers referendum was politically motivated by an incumbent. And what is more interesting is it occurred right before an election season. It was not intended to truly make things less political. If that was the case then we would need to start by separating the judicial system, which is a more bolder step. The board of directors still has power over whoever they hire. And the current Executive Director who essentially has the same power as a Governmental CEO bows down to the board often. Would you argue with your boss and face being fired? How does that take out the politics? If anything it gives the board more power, thus more politics.

What You The Membership Have Taught Me

From the deepest sincerity of my heart, I want to thank all of you who let me into your homes. Who exchanged e-mails with me. Who talked to me on the phone. Who read what I had to say. I also want to respectfully bow my hand and say miigwech to those who have passed on since the election. Even thought I cannot run, I cannot let them and you down and not say anything. All of you made me a better person. I also want to thank all of my friends, former co workers at the Sault Tribe, members of the Bahweting drum, neighbors and family up in the Soo, I miss all of you. Through your words and knowledge, I see so much now than I ever seen before. I hope we have learned from each other!

Former Sault Tribe Board of Directors Candidate Who Lost by 5 Votes Will Not Run This Election Cycle

Aniin, my name is Nathan Wright. Many of you remember me as the former Webmaster for the Sault Tribe. I sent your almost weekly e-mails and kept you updated via the Sault Tribe website. In 2008 I ran for Unit 1 Sault Tribe Representative and lost by five votes to Bernard Boushor.